Medically Fragile Program

60% Complete

90% of the Foundation animals are medically fragile, but still have quality of life. They require care beyond basic needs that includes diagnostics, procedures, and medication. The animals come into the Foundation by transfer from high-volume shelters, other rescues, veterinarians, government and tribal ACO’s and through our domestic violence program. Most high-volume shelters do not have the funding available or proper environment needed for observations. They recognize when an animal still has quality of life, but requires more care than they can provide to maintain or improve that quality and reach out in partnership.

Our veterinarians review referrals to advise on what care will be needed. This helps us properly budget and find a caregiver who is able and willing to provide the level of care needed.

Please consider making a contribution to our medical fund so that we can help the animals who need more than basic care.

Contribution Amount